Men's Ministry Director at Harvard College - CU Gloria

Cambridge, MA



                                                                         Men’s Ministry Director 

                                                                     Harvard College  - CU Gloria

Organization Background:

Christian Union was formed in 2002 for the purpose, by God’s power and with the help of other ministries, to change the world by bringing sweeping spiritual transformation to strategic universities, thereby developing and mobilizing godly leadership for all sectors of society.  The ministry is in need of dynamic and energetic Christian leaders desirous of expanding the knowledge of Jesus Christ on some of America’s most secular and intellectually rigorous campuses.  For more information, please see

Christian Union seeks a qualified individual to serve as a Ministry Director at Harvard University.  A Ministry Director is responsible for overseeing a team of Ministry Fellows and Teaching Fellows who minister to Christian and non-Christian students.  The Ministry Director will also engage in direct ministry with students and therefore needs all the skills and capabilities of a Ministry Fellow.


1. Embrace and Embody CU’s Distinctives

A. Seeking God Lifestyle

Christian Union emphasizes a mindset and behaviors considered normative by Christians for centuries, starting with the book of Acts. A seeking-God lifestyle includes humbling oneself through fasting, extraordinary prayer (including day and night), large intake of Scripture, repentance, obedience to God in every regard, perseverance in seeking God wholeheartedly, extended times of gathering with fellow believers, and intentionally calling other Christians to seek God with great diligence. When Christians seek the Lord wholeheartedly they can expect fresh fillings and outpourings of the Spirit. 

B. Christian Unity

Maior Autem His Est Caritas (“the greatest of these is love”) is inscribed around the center of Christian Union’s logo as a reminder that God’s love is central, and His love is the inspiration to uphold Christian love and unity among Christians. Christian Union board members, faculty, staff, financial partners and alumni are committed to loving one another and fellow Christians as members of the body of Christ.

C. Intellectual Orientation

Christian Union tailors its ministry to people of high intellectual capacity whose knowledge of Scripture ranges from non-existent to well-developed. Christian Union associates are selected for their ability to assess needs and to lead at this level. Christian Union knows that all wisdom and knowledge are in Jesus Christ and therefore sees harmony and not contradiction between intellectual pursuits and strong faith.

D. Organizational Excellence

The nature and significance of Christian Union’s calling compel a culture of discipline and accountability. While the primary “products” as an organization are God’s glory and changed lives, which can be hard to measure, the ministry does its best to track inputs and outputs to be as effective as possible. The ministry aspires to be as organizationally robust as some of the best well-run, for-profit firms. 

E. Professional Growth

Christian Union believes that God, in His wisdom, deposited gifts and abilities in all men and women. As these are recognized and developed, and as additional skills are imparted through training and feedback, associates have the opportunity to reach their full potential. CU prizes ongoing growth and spiritual and professional development of Christian Union’s staff and faculty because it honors God, helps further the mission, and contributes to the flourishing of the people. 

F. Bold Faith

Christian Union values bold, expansive faith. Everything the Bible says about God, humanity and the universe is wholly true; therefore Christian Union moves forward in confidence of what God will do for those who love and obey Him. Christian Union believes Him for great and seemingly impossible changes because if He can create the entire universe, He can do more than one can ask or imagine. 

2. Lead and Coach Faculty Members

  • Coach, train and oversee Harvard’s faculty team to ensure maximum effectiveness of all ministry programs and objectives on Harvard’s campus
  • Ensure health and vitality of Harvard’s faculty team
  • Conduct regularly occurring review meetings to evaluate the effectiveness of ministry programs in order to suggest and implement modifications (mid and end-of-year faculty reviews, quarterly management reviews, summer on-boarding and training review)
  • Exercise judgment in solving personnel and strategic problems to maximize the team’s performance
  • Ensure ongoing development and growth of Harvard’s faculty team, especially during summer months

3. Execute Christian Union’s Strategic Ministry Model at Harvard

  • Faithfully implement CU’s ministry model on Harvard’s campus and oversee the effective roll out of this ministry model at each life stage of the ministry
  • Achieve all semesterly and annual key indicators
  • Students in Bible Courses 
  • Leadership Curriculum Participants
  • Hours of Student Prayer 
  • Involved New Christians
  • Percent of Students (i.e. CU Graduates) Giving Back 
  • Number of Graduating Seniors in Church (post-graduation)
  • Deliver targeted results on other strategic ministry imperatives
  • Ensure proper development and execution of all seeking God activities, especially meeting key indicator goal of weekly hours of prayer
  • Properly execute the roll-out of the leadership curriculum program
  • Recruit and teach students the Scriptures in 12-week intensive small-group Bible Courses and in one-on-one settings
  • Exercise quality control of Bible course content and instruction
  • Share the gospel with students individually, as well as in small and large group settings
  • Sustain the discipline and realization of student involvement and ownership
  • Oversee effective execution of Harvard’s freshman welcoming campaign
  • Drive proper elevation and execution of Harvard’s leadership lecture series meetings
  • Develop a comprehensive evangelistic strategy for Harvard, meeting all gospel exposure, decisions for Christ and involved new believer goals
  • Impart a comprehensive integration of faith and work, especially applying the Scriptures to strategic marketplace issues and practices found in business, law, government, politics, education, media, medicine, ministry and the arts
  • Employ oversight and quality control of mentoring and discipleship activities
  • Ensure effective conference recruiting and attendance
  • Provide biblical motivation and instruction to Harvard’s faculty team as needed
  • Apply corporate best practices of disciplined yearly, semesterly and quarterly goal setting, tracking and continuous program improvement
  • Trouble-shoot and problem solve as strategic issues or conflicts arise involving other ministries
  • Offer hospitality and friendship to students through meals, parties and other social gatherings
  • Create and manage Harvard’s campus-specific budget

4. Fulfill Cross Functional and Development Responsibilities 

  • Represent the ministry with alumni and donors as needed
  • Attend select fund raising events
  • Serve as the primary local spokesperson for the ministry, partnering with local ministries and the University as appropriate
  • Facilitate proper correspondence and interaction between Harvard ministry faculty and the rest of the organization
  • Manage the Harvard faculty team to ensure that CU’s development team has what they need to cultivate relationships with Cornerstone partners, parents, alumni and other friends of the ministry.



Strong devotion to Jesus Christ, holiness, and a passion to see great spiritual renewal in America. 

Knowledge of the basics of the faith, as well as the heart and capacity to study and teach complex theological issues  

In agreement with Christian Union’s Statement of Faith and Ethics  


Adaptable to the culture of a highly secular academic environment  

Passion for students to know and follow Jesus Christ, and the ability to form friendships with students quickly and easily  

Ability to relate well to athletes and other focused social groups on campus 

Excellent communication and partnering abilities  

Capable of delegating responsibility to Christian Union fellows and students, and coaching them to performance standards

Quick learning ability to absorb the best practices of the ministry  

Strong teaming skills in order to lead and work well with teaching and ministry fellows  


Strong organizational skills and people-oriented management skills.  

Tenacity to persevere in a challenging ministry environment  

Seven years minimum professional experience in the for-profit or military sectors 

Three years minimum of successfully overseeing a team of employees, leading them to achieve individual and group objectives  

Ability to meet deadlines, and to work independently to complete tasks  

Theological training helpful but not required


Competitive compensation and benefits offered. This is a full-time paid position that  is supported by securing Christian Union Cornerstone Partnerships by each local ministry.  Securing these partnerships is a key part of this job.  Team members may be asked to support this effort by connecting with personal networks and alumni.